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Every time I speak with locals they tell me the cost-of-living is their priority.

They also tell me that they want to live in a Queensland which has cheap and clean energy, great hospitals, access to housing and is safe.

That’s why the Miles Government is working to:

  • tackle the cost of living
  • build more affordable housing
  • keep our community safe
  • deliver world-class healthcare, and
  • take real action on climate change

To find out how we're doing this, read on below 👇



The Miles government is committed to doing our bit to tackle the cost-of living and reduce household bills.

That’s why we’re helping Queenslanders lower their household bills by:



We know we need our health system to keep pace with population growth.

This is why we’re increasing our public health systems capacity by expanding the Princess Alexandra and QEII hospitals by over 450 beds and are building five satellite hospitals for free treatment of minor injuries and illnesses.



Every Queenslander deserves to feel safe in their homes. That’s why we’re investing in the frontline and in the things that work to increase community safety.

It delivers more police, more police resources and more funding for the DFSV sector to prevent crime, intervene early and hold offenders responsible.

We are:

  • increasing funding to DFSV service providers across the state by 20%
  • adding 900 additional frontline police to the force
  • boosting victim support by over $50M
  • expanding the successful Youth Co-Responder teams.



Getting to 80% renewables by 2035 is a big job, but doing so will keep our power bills the lowest in the country.

The Miles Government has recently taken steps to deliver cheaper and cleaner energy through the Energy and Jobs plan by:

  • legislating renewable energy targets of 80% by 2035
  • smashing our emissions reduction target of 30% eight years early
  • locking in public ownership of our energy assets
  • locking in the world-first Job Security Guarantee and Fund to ensure all current energy workers have access to new jobs and/or financial assistance.

This transformation will create more than 100,000 new jobs.



Ensuring every Queenslander has a safe secure and affordable place call is a priority for the Miles Government.

To do this we need to address every aspect of the housing system, from homelessness, to planning to home ownership, which is why the Miles Government is:

  • building 1 million more homes by 2046
  • making rent-bidding illegal
  • implementing a portable rental bond scheme
  • boosting homelessness services funding by 20%
  • doubling the first home owners grant



Many women have felt dismissed in a healthcare setting and too often.

This needs to change.

So our Miles Government is taking real action.

We’re delivering more women focused care, including a publicly funded endometriosis clinic, government funded IVF treatment for women with complicated illnesses, nurse-led walk-in clinics and expanded maternal healthcare.



We’ve made coercive control a criminal offence, carrying a maximum penalty of 14 years imprisonment.

This historic legislation has been made possible by the countless advocates and victim-supporters like Sue and Lloyd Clarke who have shared their experiences and called for change.